Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Imperial Kitchen: La Mian Yu Xiang

Whoos ! how are you bloggers ?
i hope you're always be fine ^^
it's been long time since i post my last review about Martabak. now i'm back with new food review ! :D

last Thursday me and my bestfriend (Mrs. C) went to Citraland Mall to get a gift for our bestfriend. when we passed Imperial Kitchen, the waitress give us flyer about their La Mian's Promo.
i'm so interested with the flyer and wanna try the La Mian. i ask Mrs. C and she wanted too :3

List of Menu.

Just photo the flyer.

After wait +- 15 minutes the La Mian came !

La Mian Yu Xiang

Noodle Soup. I added a teaspoon of chili in it.

although we waited for long time, it paid off with the sense of La Mian.
it cooked well ! so soft and chewy. i thought the noodle soup'll be plain and i'm wrong.
noodle soup was so tasty. Yumyum !
the topping is so delicious with a lil' bit spicy.
Overall, i love the food. i think i'll come back to there to try another menu. :)

Thankyou for reading this post :D



Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Martabak :9

Hello, Bloggers ! :D
Hari ini saya ingin me-review martabak. nomnom :9
as usual, tiap sabtu mama gak masak dan kebetulan lagi libur catering.
alhasil di rumah minim makanan -_-
sabtu sore nganterin mama ke rumah sakit untuk konsultasi ke dokter.
abis itu iseng ke mall deket rumah sakitnya sekalian belanja2 :p
pas pulang udah hampir gelap, jadi sekalian nyari menu untuk dinner.
berhubung dari kemaren pengen martabak cuma belum kesampean, jadinya beli martabak deh :)

Lokasi Martabak Manis Bangka. ada si mama lg nunggu :p

Martabak Cokelat Kacang. Rp21.000,-

My dinner :)

berhubung mama punya diabetes, gulanya dikurangi jd rasanya gak gitu manis. tekstur martabaknya lembut dan gak bantet. cuma kurang ada rasa asin2 dari menteganya.
mungkin karena dulu papi sering beli dan pesen menteganya jangan banyak2 jadi mentega yang diolesinnya sedikit. hehe :)
disarankan datengnya jangan malem2, soalnya udah tutup :)

Lokasi : Citra Garden 1, Jakarta Barat. Di depan Pempek Wong Kito.
Jam buka : 11.00 - sore
Harga : Rp20.000,- an.

Happy Reading, Bloggers ! :)



Kamis, 20 September 2012

Cooking Experiment : Oat Pancake

It's Saturday morning and that day was sunny day. so sunny !
i wake up and thought to make breakfast. no bread. no biscuit at home -_-
so i thought what should i make for my breakfast ?
aha ! it's so simple -> oat pancake !
and i made it !
here we go !

 The ingredients

Fried it :) 

 The other side.

Oat Pancake has done !

 I give margarine when it's done. so it'll melted and covered the pancake. So yummy when it's still warm :9
but when it's not warm, it's so heavy -_-
i forgot to put some egg. err~
will try it next time :)



Cooking Experiment : Chicken Golden Crispy and Spicy Mayonaise Sauce

Once again, at my last long holiday, i spent my time for cooking (yeay !)
i made golden crispy chicken with spicy mayonaise sauce.
i got this recipe from my mind. i just thought and imagined how to make it.
and here are the result !
 The ingredients.

  Ready to fry !

 Swimming in the 'pool' :p

Tarrrraa ! Golden Crispy Chicken !! :D

and it's spicy mayonaise sauce.

hmm.. i think the taste is good enough :p
but i should give more seasoning in the chicken. btw, i didn't use MSG in this dish.
so, can i call it healthy food ? :/



Cooking Experiment : Asem-Asem

Heiho, Bloggers !
I'm back with my cooking experiment :D
spent my last long holiday time for cook, cook and cook !
How i love cook so much <3 ><
now, i wanna post my new experiment -> Asem-Asem !
Have you eaten it, guys ?
here are the photos :)
 The Ingredients.

 Making the Basic seasoning.

 Presto-ing :)

 And voila ! Asem-asem has done and ready to serve :D

it hasn't good taste enough -_-
it should sour and spicy, but i made it a lil' bit sweet n spicy. err~
i forgot to put the green tomato, so i put it when it almost done :(
but it's okay. i'm learning :)



Cooking Experiment : Sushi Bread

Hello, Bloggers ! :)
along my last long holiday, i did many cooking experiment. one of them is Sushi Bread !
found this recipe from food magazine and it's so simple ! :)
here are the photos.
Sushi Bread with Chicken Sausage 

Sushi Bread with Beef Sausage

i love the combination of mayonaise and sweet corn. so yummy !
wanna try it ? :p



Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Busy Saturday

Busy Saturday ! Yeah !
My nanny's at her home now and no one do her job at home -_-
I woke up at 5.00 a.m today. Washed clothes, swept floor, mopped floor and cooking !!
here's some photos of my activities today :)

Mr. Sun :)

Let's cook !
Ingredients of Spicy Mayo Sauce.

Mix mix :)

It's ready to fry.


It's done !

Spicy Mayonaise Sauce :)

Golden Crispy Chicken with Spicy Mayonaise Sauce.

Okay, Bloggers. That's all my activity today.
Hope you'll enjoy my blog. See you on next blog and thank you for reading :)

